Who am I? Finding Worth


We all seek worth in the things we do whether we intentionally mean to or not. We seek worth in our abilities to do things right like work, be a good spouse, be a good parent, or even be a good Christian. The problem with this is the sin problem with ourselves. God never called us to be “good people“. He calls us to be HIS people. And His people seek their worth in who HE is.

I fail as a selfless wife daily. I jump on Facebook before reading my Bible at times. I get angry, let my emotions control me, & pay no attention to the words that I say. Therefore, I don’t think I’m that “good” of a person. And if I let them, those failures will define who I am.  At other times, I get puffed up and put my worth in how “awesome” of a (fill in the blank) I am. If I truly was a good person, do you think I would need Jesus?

None of us can put our worth in how “good” we are. The only good in us is Jesus. We should daily remind ourselves that our worth comes from what Jesus did for us on the cross. He lived to die for you and for me. We find worth when we give our all to Jesus.

Unworthy people who serve and worship a worthy God turns unworthy people into treasured children of God.

Jesus didn’t count how many good things you do or think about how good of a person you are when He died on the cross and broke the chains of sin. He looked past every stain, every blemish, every hateful motive, and He said, “that child of mine has worth… in Me”

So the next time you start getting angry at yourself for not being good enough or the next time you start feeling prideful for all the “good” things you’re doing, remember that we have worth because of what Jesus did for us. He makes unworthy people into dearly beloved children of the most worthy God.

And that Truth never fails.

In Jesus, you are…


adopted by God

wonderfully made

able to do all things

the son or daughter of the Great King



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